
Suspicous minds (Paul Van Ostaijen), 90×70 cm, 2022

Suspicious minds (Lou André Salome)

Suspicious minds (Gustave Courbet), 90×70 cm

Suspicious minds (george Sand), 90×70 cm

Suspicious minds (Sigmund III), 90×70 cm

Suspicous minds (Sigmund II), 90×70 cm

Suspicous minds (Beuys), 60×100 cm

Suspicious minds (Baudelaire), 90X70 cm

Supicious minds (Carl Gustav Jung), 90×70 cm

Suspicous minds (Sigmund), 90×70 cm

Tales of the inner suburbs I, 100×100 cm

Tales of the inner suburbs II, 100x100cm

Somebody who could be me II, 140×180 cm

Unattended moment, 100×120 cm, 2022

Somebody who could be me, 100×120 cm, 2022

Suspicious movement IV, 60×50 cm, 2022

Suspicous movement III, 60×50 cm, 2022

Suspicious movement II, 60×100 cm,2022

Suspicous movement I, 70×90 cm, 2022

Golden times, 50×60 cm

The big conversation, 70×90 cm, 2022

In the meanwhile, 100×100 cm, 2022

Conjuring the movement, 50×60 cm, 2022

You did’nt ask it, 50X60 cm, 2022

Evil dream, 40×60 cm

Where is my mobile?, 60×50 cm, 2021

I take my advance on happiness, 60×50 cm, 2021

Close encounter, 90×70 cm, 2021

Nature doesn’t have an answer, 100×80 cm, 2021

Status quo isn’t the way to go, 70×90 cm, 2020

I don’t believe believe in God but I miss him, 90×70 cm, 2020

One’s own time is always dark, 50×70 cm

It feels the end of the world is near, 60×50 cm

I am a light, I am an insight, 70×90 cm

My body produces truth II, 60×100 cm

Time isn’t on my side, 100x60cm

Why I read Proust

Impossible meetings I

Liberates me out of my darkness, 100×100 cm, 2019

Impossible meetings III

It’s a wild thing to think about, 70×90 cm, 2019

Impossible meetings IV

the innocense of the mirror, 70×90 cm, 2019

don’t be cruel, 90×70 cm, 2019

nightmares can be allies, 180×140 cm, 2018

Sarah ( the sea is always present), 90×70 cm, 2018

It’s a wonderful life, isn’t it?, 120×140 cm, 2018

Melancholie, dafür haben wir keine Zeit, 60×100 cm, 2018

Saving embrace, 140×180 cm, 2018

Het uur blauw

Sarah, in year 75, 75

silent witness, 60×50 cm

royal etiquette II, 60×50 cm

Anna, the infinity of desire

have you always to be loyal to your family? 120×100 cm, 2017

what do you mean, 60×50 cm

exciting encouter, 90×70 cm

Early in the morning, 50×60 cm, 2016

No more heroes anymore II, 60×50 cm, 2016

No more heroes anymore I, 50×60 cm, 2016

Chronos is everywhere II, 60×50 cm, 2016

To look forward, that it’s what it is all about, 90×70 cm, 2016

Chronos is everywhere II, 100×80 cm, 2016

to agree or disagree, that isn’t the question, 100×80 cm, 2016

Le balcon, 90×70 cm, 2016

Goya was absolutely right, 100×80 cm, 2016

beautifull losers II, 150X180 cm, 2016

religions don’t die, 150×180 cm, 2016

les charmes discrets du pouvoir, 90×70 cm, 2016

les charmes discrets du pouvoir, 70×90 cm, 2016

les charmes discrets du pouvoir, 90×70 cm, 2015

les charmes discrets du pouvoir ( the king), 90×70 cm, 2015

les charmes discrets du pouvoir (the myth of the brain), 60×100 cm, 2015

les charmes discrets du pouvoir (Albert), 120×100 cm

Looking at (for) the invisible

looking at (for) the invisible

looking at (for) the invisible

looking at (for) the invisble VIII, 60×50 cm, 2013

looking at (for) the invisible

looking at (for) the invisble

looking at (for) the invisble VIII, 60×50 cm, 2013

Looking at (for) the invisible XVII, 80×100 cm, 2013

Looking at (for) the invisible X, 80×100 cm, 2013

Looking at(for) the invisble XVI, 80×100 cm, 2013

looking at (for) the invisible, 60x50cm, 2013

looking at (for) the invisible, 60x50cm, 2013

looking at (for) the invisible, 60×50 cm, 2013

looking at (for) the invisible, 60X50 cm, 2013

looking at (for) the invisible II

Looking at (for) the invisible III

suspicious landscapes (god is dead, marx is dead and…),140×180 cm, 2012

suspicious landscapes (Ich bin ein Berliner) 150×140 cm, 2012

suspicious landscapes (Icarus is lost) 60×100 cm, 2012

suspicious landscapes (Godot est arrivé) 100×120 cm, 2012

suspicious landscapes (fuck slogans) 60×100 cm, 2012

suspicious landscapes (Emc2 isn’t true) 135×180 cm, 2012

suspicious landscapes (dream) 50×60 cm, 2012

suspicious landscapes (bread and roses) 50×60 cm, 2012

Suspicious landscape (the worlds localBank) 100×120 cm,2011

suspicious landsape (it must be love) 180×150 cm, 2012