2024 ‘Resonance’ in Art platform Stek Torhout
Expo featuring paintings by Johan Clarysse in dialogue with skulptures by Edith Ronse. Vernissage: 16 August 2024 at 19h. Finissage 27 September 2024. Catalogue available. Stek, Zuidstraat 27 Torhout. www.stek-art.be
Introduction: Daan Rau ( curator and art critic)

2024 Exposition ‘Deux peintres, un voyage’ in Studio Oiron (Fr.)
Recent work by Belgian artist Johan Clarysse enters into dialogue with the work of French artist Laurent Marie Joubert at Studio Oiron (Rue du square 12) – Plaines en Vallées.
Opening: 14 July at 3pm by Francois Hudry (journalist France Culture). Expo runs until 25/8/2024.
Opening hours: Thursday, Friday, Saturday from 15- 18h30 and by appointment.(sdebuck@skynet.be)

Article in ‘La Nouvelle République’
2024 Evolution 06 in Tour & Taxis Brussel
In EVOLUTION 06, curator Luc Theuwis ( ARTandAdvice) presents an overview of the work of painters Johan Clarysse and Tjen Meylemans at the beautifully restored Maison de la Poste on the site of Tour & Taxis ( Picardstraat 7, 1000 Brussels). Opening 7 June from 18h-20h30.
Based on a number of key works, the exhibition presents an overview of the two artists’ visual work. A catalogue (64p) will be available to visitors free of charge. The expo runs every weekday from 22 May to 26 July and continues from 30 August to 13 September 2024, from 8h30 – 17h30.
By train: 10′ steps from North Station. Parking: T&T Parklane car park.

2024 Article in ‘L’officiel, musées et galeries’
Fine article in ‘L’officiel, musées & galeries’ about my exposition in gallery GNG in Paris. ‘Johan Clarysse, maître du mystère clair’ of ‘Le langage pictural subtil de Johan Clarysse réussit à capter toute la complexité de l’expérience humaine…

2023 Solo exposition gallery GNG Paris
From 16 January to 24 February at Galerie d’art contemporain GNG,
rue Visconti 3, Paris.
Vernissage: 18 January from 17 pm.

“In his paintings, drawings and collages, Johan Clarysse moves between the tradition of figuration and contemporary questioning of the image. In his work, his fascination with the human condition is expressed in paint, ink, pencil and watercolour on paper. Each is a representation of personal impulses and desires, of people and situations that are both seductive and disturbing, where a possible vision of reality can be both clear and mysterious.
There is an internal tension in the image, not only because of the sporadic use of text, but also because of the sometimes unruly connections of graphic, organic and pictorial motifs…” (Gilles Naudin).
2023 Contemporary Primitives Bruges
‘Contemporary Primitives’: 40 portraits by photographer Alex Vanhee of talented musicians, writers, visual artists… who have some link with the city of Bruges. From Raymond van ‘t Groenewoud, Kurt Van Eeghem, David van Reybrouck to Jan Devliegher, Jean Godecharle and Renaat Ramon. Plus exhibition of some works by the participating visual artists.
Author Benedicte Van Eeghem brings them into focus through the word.
Opening16/12/2003/2023 at 19h in Art space Bogardenkapel: Artist talk with Benedicte Van Eeghem and Alex Vanhee by Mieke Dumont.

2023 Winter exposition CAPS Ostend
16/12/2023 – 71/2024
In Caps (Contemparery Art Projects) Oosthelling 8 Oostende
Paintings, drawings, graphisues and multiples of:
Virginie Bailly, Yves Beaumont, Fred Bervoets, Guillaume Bijl,
Chantal Chapelle, Johan Clarysse, Leo Copers, Dees De Bruyne,
Luc Dondeyne, Jan Fabre, Koen Fillet, Vincent Geyskens,
Kati Heck, Daniel Johnston, Hervé Martijn, Panamarenko,
Walter Swennen, Luc Tuymans, Henk Visch, Philippe Vandenberg,
Jan Van Imschoot, Lisa Vlaemminck, Colin Waeghe,
Peggy Wauters en Giovanni Winne.
Open saterday – sonday from 2 until 6 pm

2023 Artist talk “Confessions of a painter”
Sunday, Oct. 22 at 3 p.m. at Pinsart gallery.
With musical performance by Arne Deforce.
The lecture is conceived as a visual walk through the work of the last 25 years.
2023 “This obscure object”: solote exhibition and book presentation (Bruges)

To agree or disagree, that isn’t the question, 100 x 80 cm
Exhibition from September 24 to November 5
Vernissage on Sunday, Sept. 24 at 3 p.m. in Pinsart gallery (Genthof 21, Bruges)
With poetry inspired by Johan’s work by: Frederik Lucien De Laere, Philip Hoorne, Paul Rigolle, Wim Vandeleene, Antoon Van den Braembussche, Steven Vanderheyden, Ludwien Veranneman, Tania Verhelst.
The book ‘this obscure object’ (180 p) is published by MER/Borgerhoff & Lamberigts. With text contributions by art philosopher Antoon Van den Braembussche, art historian and curator Frederik Van Laere and an interview by Wim Vandeleene.
Some forty original drawings are offered for sale to finance this new book. Click here for more info.